Learn Physics Science Physics

by BFS Apps



Learn Physics Science Electrical Electronics is the best physics app available on android, professionally tailored for the study of physics with topics from well know physics technology inventors like Albert Einstein,Thomas Alva Edison and many other research scientist and professors.Learn physics is suitable for novice to professional. This education application is formatted for all levels of physics from primary school to university. Physics guide to theoretical physics, angular velocity, electronics, mechanics and optics among other amazing physics topics.Its material design with clean interface allows students to focus on particular areas in the subject.With thoroughly researched and tailored content, presented in an intuitive and objective manner.Learn physics is essential for high school physics comprehension, college or university physics and research-based physics, for instance, theoretical physics and experimental physics.This app provides free physics topics, definitions, formulas. It helps you to refresh your knowledge, prepare on exams, solves your physics homework and increase your knowledge.This app covers following topics:Physics LawsKinematicsFluid and Weight Mass and WeightScalar and VectorForceCircular and Simple Harmonic MotionEnergyMomentumHeat Energy and ThermodynamicsOpticsMagnetismElectricityNuclear EnergyModern PhysicsMEASUREMENTSymbols and UnitsSTATICSCIRCULAR MOTION AND GRAVITATIONCENTRIPETAL FORCE-CENTRIFUGAL FORCE-CENTRIPETAL ACCELERATIONWORKENERGYLAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGYMACHINESMECHANICAL ADVANTAGE OF LEVERMOVEABLE PULLEYWHEEL AND AXLESCREWMATTERUNIT OF STRESSARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLEREFLECTION OF LIGHTSNELL’S LAWLONG SIGHTEDNESS OR HYPER METROPIAASTIGMATISM - PRESBYOPIAImage Formation by convex lensTHIN LENS FORMULA FOR CONCAVE LENSCOMPOUND MICROSCOPENATURE OF LIGHTDEFINITIONSCAPACITORCOMBINATION OF RESISTORSJOULES LAW OHMS LAWGALVANOMETERAMMETER-VOLTMETERPROPERTIES OF MAGNETELECTRIC BELLFUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICSpn - junction diode or semiconductor diodeExplain the construction and working of transistorNUCLEUSEINSTEIN’S MASS ENERGY EQUATIONApplied Physics - First Law of ThermodynamicsPhysics Dictionary and Physics TermsPhysics Question and Solution 1Physics Question and Solution 2Physics Question and Solution 3